
We work with our long-standing partners in established and resilient networks.


The Bundesverband der Arbeitsrechtler in Unternehmen (BVAU) is the independent, nationwide, cross-industry and personal interest group for labour lawyers in companies


The TRAIN GmbH supports as an agile partner companies throughout Germany in the areas of staff reduction, reorganisation and expansion, "Workforce transformation".
Dabei setzt unser Kooperationspartner auf eine mehr als 20-jährige Expertise im Bereich der Transferdienstleistungen im Sinne des SGB III sowie unter der Marke maxplacement bei der Umsetzung von Einzel- und Gruppenoutplacements.
Das Motto „Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt der Transformation“ verbunden mit den Werten Herzblut, Engagament, Transparenz, Wertschätzung und Vertrauen werden in der täglichen Arbeit konsequent gelebt


In times of constantly increasing change dynamics in organizations and complex personal decisions with consequences under time pressure, the Veränderungswirkstatt accompanies as a sparring partner in mastering personal challenges and crises. The offer is a solution-, personality- and resource-oriented coaching and is aimed at individuals who feel an own or external impulse to change.


The DFK is Germany's largest and oldest cross-industry professional association for specialists and managers with around 20,000 members in the association network.

For more than 100 years, the DFK - Verband für Fach- und Führungskräfte has been offering its members comprehensive support for career entry and advancement, the development and further implementation of their careers.

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